The Skeletal System represents the body's framework, made up of bones and other connective tissues
(associated cartilages, joints) that protect and sustain the tissues of the body and the internal organs, produces blood cells, and stores minerals. The human skeleton comprises 206 bones, six of which are the tiny middle ear bones (three in each ear) that serve in hearing.
Every bone is a complex living organ composed of various cells, protein fibers, and minerals.
The skeleton acts as a scaffold by supporting and protecting the soft tissues which make up the rest of the body.
The skeletal system also provides muscles with attachment points to facilitate movements at the joints.
The red bone marrow inside our bones is creating new blood cells.
The skeleton is the body's structure, which protects the softer tissues and provides attachment points for most skeletal muscles.
The skeleton supplies mechanical shielding for many internal organs of the body, which reduces the risk of injury to them. Cranial bones, for example, protect the spine, vertebrae protect
the spinal cord and ribcage preserve the heart and lungs.
Skeletal muscles are bound to the bones; thus, they cause bones to move as the corresponding muscles contract.
Several minerals are contained in the bone tissues, including calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P).
Bone releases minerals into the blood if needed-promoting mineral balance within the body.
The red bone marrow inside some larger bones (bone marrow cells - lymphocytes - are activated by other lymphoid tissue) blood cells are produced.
Most bone marrow transitions from ' redbone marrow ' to ' yellow bone marrow 'happen with increasing age.
The yellow bone marrow primarily consists of adipose cells and some blood cells. This is a significant reserve of chemical resources.
The following table summarises the five main categories of bones, together with another type (sutural bones).
Long bones have a greater length than width and consist of a shaft and a variable number of endings (extremities).T hey are usually somewhat curved for strength.
Examples include
Short bones are roughly cube-shaped and have approximately equal length and width.
Examples include:
Flat bones have a thin shape/structure and provide considerable mechanical protection and extensive surfaces for muscle attachments.
Examples include
Irregular bones have complicated shapes and so cannot be classified into any of the above (shape-based) categories. Their shapes are due to the functions they fulfill within the body, e.g., providing significant mechanical support for the body yet also protecting the spinal cord (in the case of the vertebrae).
Examples include
For certain tendons, sesamoid bones grow for places where friction, strain, and physical stress are significant.
Therefore, they can develop in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet; however, their existence and quantity differ significantly from person to person.
Sutural bones are categorized by position and not shape.
They are small bones in between the cranial bones inside the sutural joints.
The number of sutural bones varies greatly from person to person; thus, these are labeled as unidentified bones.
Bones grow from their extremities.
Under normal circumstances, bones stop growing when the owner reaches his/her late teens or early twenties.
Bone marrow produces stem cells, such as erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leucocytes (white blood cells).
The diagram labels the basic components of a typical long bone
The Functions of Components of Long Bone:
reduces friction and absorbs shock at freely moveable joints.
1) bone
2)skeletal cartilage: surrounded by dense irregular connective tissue which acts to enclose the
cartilage to prevent it from deforming too much under stress
Major Functions of the skeletal system
1. support – provides a hard framework to support the body and cradle its soft organs
2. protection – provides a protective framework encasing for body structures/organs
3. movement – used as a lever system to move the body and its parts; the arrangement of bones and design of joints determine types of movement possible
4. mineral storage – retrievable storage for calcium and phosphate for release into the blood
5. blood cell formation – most occurs within marrow cavities of certain bones (ribs, sternum, long bones)
Ways to Classify Bones:
a. Based on Shape
(1) long bones – longer than wide; has shaft plus two ends (ex. limb bones)
(2) short bones – cube-shaped bones (ex. carpal and tarsal elements and sesamoid bones that form
within tendons)
(3) flat bones – are thinly flattened and usually a bit curved (ex. skull roofing bones, sternum and
(4) irregular bones – bones that have complicated shapes (ex. includes vertebrae and braincase)
b. Based on the Formation
(1) membrane or dermal bones – bones that form within a collagen membrane (ex. skull roofing
bones frontals and parietals)
(2) endochondral bones – bones that are preformed in hyaline cartilage and then transformed into
bone (ex. long bones, vertebrae)
Structure and Histology of a Long bone
• structure:
• diaphysis – the shaft of the bone cross-section shows from outside toward inside the following layers:
(1) periosteum
(2) compact bone
(3) the medullary cavity for marrow
• epiphyses – ends of bones that form articular surfaces; have thin layer of compact bone that is
underlain by cancellous or spongy bone
• periosteum – outer wrapping of bone made up of collagen (dense irregular connective tissue);
inner layers are osteogenic and contain osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), osteoclasts (bone
destroying cells; this layer is richly supplied by blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels
• articular cartilage – covers joint surfaces of epiphyses; made up of hyaline cartilage; acts to
cushion stresses during joint movement
• epiphyseal line – remnants of the epiphyseal growth plate, a band of actively dividing hyaline
the cartilage that acts to lengthen the bone
• medullary cavity – marrow cavity that contains blood-forming tissue (red marrow) or yellow or
fat marrow; lined with an endosteal membrane
• histology:
• outer layer = periosteum – layers of collagen that surround bone; during growth will have bone
forming cells and fibrocytes
• inside epiphyses = membrane that lines medullary cavity and trabecular system inside bone =
endosteum; contains osteoblasts and osteocytes
Structure of Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones
Microscopic Anatomy of Bone Tissue
1. compact bone – composed of lamellar and Haversian bone
• osteon – concentric cylinders of bone that usually run in the long axis of bone and support
stress and weight of bone
• osteocyte – ameboid bone cells that maintain the bone matrix
• lacunae – small cavities in which bones cells reside
• lamellae – each layer of the concentric tube of an osteon (Haversian system)
• Haversian canal – central canal of Haverian system that contains blood vessels and nerves
• canaliculi – canals of radiating out from lacunae and housing pseudopods of osteocytes;
mechanism of nutrient transfer from one osteocyte to another
• Volkmann's canal – transversely arranged canals that bring blood vessels into the Haversian
2. spongy bone
Types of Bone Cells
• osteoblasts – embryonic bone cells that lay down bone matrix
• osteocytes – mature bone cells that are derived from osteoblasts and are trapped in bony matrix
• osteoclasts – bone cells that break down and remodel bone; derived from hemopoietic stem cells and
macrophages; use acids to destroy bone; can phagocytize demineralized and dead osteocytes
Bone Formation and Remodeling
A. endochondral ossification – all bones from the braincase down except the clavicles
B. intramembranous (dermal) ossification – bone is formed within a fibrous membrane (the periosteum)
C. bone growth
* Effect of hormones on bone growth:
1. growth hormone – released by the anterior pituitary gland and modulated by thyroid hormone;
acts to stimulate epiphyseal plate activity
too much growth hormone = giantism
too little growth hormone = dwarfism
2. sex hormones – initially promote growth spurts and masculinization or feminization of
specific parts of the skeleton
D. bone remodeling – occurs continually in response to:
1. Ca+2 levels in the blood
• Ð blood calcium causes the release of parathyroid hormone
• stimulates osteoclasts to reabsorb bone and release calcium into the blood
• turns off calcitonin production
• Ï blood calcium shuts off the release of parathyroid hormone
• stimulates the secretion of calcitonin
• inhibits bone reabsorption and stimulates calcium deposition in the bone matrix
2. stress on bones from gravity and muscles
• the bone grows or remodels in response to forces placed upon it
• weight is put on bones in an asymmetrical way so that bone is stretched on one side and
compressed on other
• in long bones bending stresses are midway down the shaft
• the neck regions also bear the most stress
• cancellous bone best supports compression under joints
Types of Bone Fractures
a. classified by the position of bone ends after fracture:
• non displaced –bone ends are in a natural position
• displaced bone ends are out of alignment
b. by the completeness of break – complete fracture or incomplete fracture.
c. by the orientation of break to the long axis of bone: linear = parallel to the long axis or transverse = perpendicular to the long axis
d. whether bone ends penetrate the skin: open (compound fracture), closed (simple)
Healing of fractures
a. fracture hematoma
• occurs because blood vessels in bone, periosteum, and surrounding tissues are torn and
• hematoma is the mass of clotted blood that forms at fracture site
• bone cells deprived of nutrition die and site becomes swollen and painful
b. fibrocartilage callus
• granulation tissue forms
• capillaries grow into the hematoma; phagocytotic cells clean up debris
• fibroblasts and osteoblasts migrate into fracture site from periosteum and endosteum and begin
reconstructing bone
• fibroblasts form collagen fibers that connect broken end
• osteoblasts form woven bone
c. bony callus
• osteoblasts lay down new bone, trabeculae in the fibrocartilage callus gets converted into bony
• takes 3-4 weeks
• continues for 2-3 months before stopping
Effects of aging on the skeletal system
a. estrogen – estrogen levels drop during menopause; affects calcium absorption
b. insufficient exercise – no stress leads to bone reabsorption
c. diet poor in calcium and protein leads to osteomalacia – bones inadequately mineralized
d. vitamin D and calcitonin metabolism also leads to osteomalacia
e. smoking – reduces estrogen levels
f. hormone-related conditions (corticosteroid drugs)
• bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposition – bone mass is reduced
• estrogen and testosterone help restrain osteoclast activity and promote bone growth
• peak density is reached between 35-40 years
• occurs more frequently in menopausal females because males secrete testosterone throughout life
In traditional medicine, bone healing with the use of herbs and their extracts is an extensive practice.
There's a resurgence of interest in the traditional medicine system in recent years. Medicinal plants are a significant therapeutic-valuable source of biodynamic compounds.
The local herbal practitioner detects the nature of the fracture. Various parts of herbs are used in multiple ways, such as local application and systemic use, depending on the extent of the fracture.
Ganglong is an alpine tree in the Asclepiadaceae family, commonly used in Southeast Asian folk medicine. This is a medicinal plant that grows in damp and swampy areas; it is a climber that can climb up to 200 m on some trees.
The plant locally in Arunachal Pradesh is known as Ganglong, and is traditionally used for bone fracture treatment.
This is often found on the ground, often as a creeper. The plant, mainly its root, stem, and leaves, is historically used by tribal people in Arunachal Pradesh for the treatment of bone fracture.
Harjor belongs to the Vitaceae family, which has been known for many centuries for its bone healing properties; it has been recommended by bonesetters in the raw form, both external and internal, as decoctions.
It is considered to be rich in vitamin C.
It is commonly referred to as Asthisamhari is a succulent of the Vitaceae family widely found in the hotter Indian region.
The entire plant is known to possess medicinal properties, including all parts, stem, leaves, and roots.
The roots and stems are most effective for treating a bone fracture.
The stem is bitter; it is offered internally and applied topically in broken bones used in back and spine complaints.
The plant has been reported for the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis osteoporosis in Ayurveda.
The plant has many important medicinal properties; it's useful in poisonous insect asthma, burns, and wound bite.
Basil is an incredibly common plant. In its composition, Basil contains Calcium is an essential mineral for the health of the skeletal system, preserving the bones sturdy and saves them from getting weaker over the years.
Basil is native to India and Iran and has been grown for over 5,000 years. The word basil originates from the Greek word basilikon, meaning King or Royal.
Basil was indeed considered a sacred herb in India; it has often been planted around temples, and many Indian wedding and funeral ceremonies give prominence to "holy basil."
Basil is also an excellent potassium source, an alkalizing mineral, and fiber and rich in flavonoids.
The unique strain of basil flavonoids has been
shown to protect against unwanted growth in the bacteria.
Moreover, Basil contains a substance called eugenol, which acts as an inhibitor of COX.
Studies have found that it rivals
NSAIDS concerning its anti-inflammatory properties.
Medicago sativa L. is one of the oldest cultivated plants and is used as highly nutritious food and herbal medicinal products for humans.
It is known to be an effective medicine in Ayurveda for people suffering from arthritis, as well as digestive and gastrointestinal diseases.
Alfalfa is known to be one of the world's most abundant in nutrients, and is known as 'Green Gold' and 'Father of all Foods.'
This medicinal plant has been used for hundreds of years to cure a wide array of diseases and to promote better health.
Alfalfa has significant phytonutrient content,
which includes proteins, minerals, and vitamins.
It has the highest content of vitamins and
minerals of all the plants in the world.
Minerals include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, zinc, manganese, boron, chromium, and silicon, and vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin.
E, pantothenic acid, folate, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5, vitamin B6, choline, and betaine, which are essential to keep the body healthy and healthy
The use of willow bark dates back to the time of Hippocrates (400 BC) when it was recommended that people chew on the bark to reduce fever and inflammation.
Willow bark has been used in China and Europe throughout the centuries. It continues to be used today for pain treatment (particularly low back pain and osteoarthritis), headache, and inflammatory conditions such as bursitis and tendinitis.
The white willow bark contains salicin, which is a similar chemical to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Combined with the potent anti-inflammatory plant compounds (called flavonoids) of the herb, salicin is thought to be responsible for the herb's pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.
Several studies show that willow reduces pain caused by osteoarthritis more effectively than a placebo.
In a small study of individuals with neck or lower back osteoarthritis, those
who received willow bark experienced significant symptom improvement compared with those who received a placebo.
A similar study of 78 people hospitalized with knee or hip joint osteoarthritis found
that people receiving willow bark had significant pain relief as compared to those receiving placebo.
Dandelion is worthy of a particular place among natural treatments for osteoporosis and herbs for bone health.
Both calcium and silicon minerals are chock-full in Dandelion.
It helps the body grow healthy bones using silicone and, by providing calcium for repair and new growth, it can improve bone strength.
Dandelion is also useful for connective tissue, due to its silicon content. Dandelion may drink like tea or tincture.
Dandelion shoots — stems, leaves, and flowers — are not only rich in essential bone-building calcium, but also have some of the highest amounts of boron in any food that is critical for healthy bones.
It is known for its effects on the diuretics.
Though this plant also contains nutrients
which enrich the health of the bone.
Rich in minerals such as calcium
and magnesium, Dandelion helps preserve bone density.
In addition, its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties enhance the sanguine
circulation by maintaining the efficient production of erythrocytes and leukocytes.
Urtica dioica is beneficial to the bone system, because it protects against
the damage caused by the free radicals and the surrounding medium factors.
Stinging nettle is rich in a multitude of amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids and is a great source of many bone-building minerals (iron,calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper and chromium). As well as vitamins, including vitamin K (an important bone-builder), vitamin C (a key antioxidant shown to reduce the risk of fracture) and most of the B vitamins.
Equisetum arvense contains many beneficial nutrients. These improve the bone density and that of the articulations after they have been assimilated in the organism.
Horsetail, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, soothes pain, inflammation, and other unpleasant symptoms from the point of the skeletal system.
Besides, the vitamins from this plant support the collagen synthesis process and prevent deterioration leading to the friction of the bone.
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a herbal remedy dating back to the ancient Greco-Roman world.
Traditionally it was used to stop bleeding, to cure ulcers and wounds, and to treat tuberculosis and kidney problems.
The name Equisetum derives from the Equus of the Latin roots, meaning "horse," and seta, meaning "bristle." Horsetail contains silicon, which helps to strengthen the bone.
Some practitioners, therefore, recommend horsetail as a therapy for osteoporosis. It's also used in some cosmetics as a diuretic and as an ingredient.
Chamomile is one of the most versatile plants because of its widespread distribution and universal application for various illnesses. This has analgesic and sedative properties that alleviate frequent pains. The chamomile is thus on the list of beneficial plants for the bone system.
The reasons are ts anti-inflammatory effects, and the rich mineral content. Drinking chamomile tea reduces mobility-affecting swellings. Additionally, this remedy lubrifies cartilages and ligaments that bind the bones together. Chamomile contains apigenin, a flavonoid that has a sedative effect and effectively relieves stress. This same flavonoid also keeps cortisol levels in check, protecting the bones from this stress hormone's damaging effects. Chamomile also boasts another flavonoid called luteolin, an antioxidant that has multiple health effects.
Luteolin reduces fever, calms spasms in the muscles, and even lowers blood pressure. Another benefit of chamomile is its immune-boosting properties, which make it particularly suitable during cold and flu season.
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